Friday, June 18, 2010

Best Father in the Whole Wide World

It's Father's Day and time for our home-spun, non-material, heart-felt and somewhat goofy Father's Day gift. Last year's gift can be seen here. Since the response to that was overwhelmingly positive as evidenced by the many comments, I have decided to post this year's Father's Day gift.

We made a movie. Unfortunately, Martina was unavailable for this shoot but she'll be featured in some upcoming movies as soon as her schedule allows.

Now, we do think the Paolo is the best father in the world but as a researcher I realize we lack the empirical evidence to substantiate such claims. I would hate for my private blog to ever be used to impugn my research cred so we had to set our anecdotal evidence aside for this project.

Since Blogger is being difficult and not loading my video I will link to the youtube.